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Something a little less serious

Time for a short break from the seriousness of life's fallacies.

Today while shopping, I observed a very sweet and kind moment.  A sister, who looked to be about 10 or so, reached into the shopping cart to pick up and hug her toddler brother.  While the act itself may not seem that particularly special, the wide smile and bright face of that young girl as she picked up her brother was priceless.  It was a spontaneous and true reflection of sibling love.  And, the little boy smiled and giggled back to his sister. 

Wish I could have captured that moment on video.  I would have loved to have shared it with those with whom I have had differences in recent months and say: shouildn't we emulate these children?  Why is it that we adults somehow forgot how to extend such spontaneous human love toward one another?

As I walked away, I remember wishing silently that those two may always have a special bond between them that will sustain and help them to transcend the challenges, frivolities, and pettiness that life will throw at them; may they always love and support each other.      

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