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Green Shoots and the Rule of the Harvest

With the recent warm temperatures, I noticed today that bulbs I planted last fall are beginning to shoot through the ground indicating that spring is near.  Plus, it is a feeling of self-satifaction in seeing the efforts of months ago generate growth after a harsh and snowy winter in Virginia. 

Last year, in working through Dr. Steven R. Covey's "The 8th Habit", I was particularly taken by the "Rule of the Harvest".  In this, Dr. Covey discussed that to reap the harvest, one must prepare the ground, plant the seeds, fertilize, water, and care for the crop in order to reap the harvest.  One cannot plant and expect to harvest in a few days or a few weeks.  It takes months and understanding the laws of nature.

In our "microwave" and "fast food" society, many expect things to be done without much planning, effort, and preparation.  Some things do lend themselves to this mentality.  However, most things like fostering trust, building relationships, maintaining relationships, and building character must follow the rules of the harvest. 

As the renowned leadership professor Warren Bennis once stated "you cannot simply put a person in a microwave and after 30 seconds pops out a leader". 

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