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Life's Fallacies - Part 6 - Life Is Supposed To Be Fair

In sports, there are rules to maintain fairness.  There are referees to enforce those rules.  In society, there are laws and there are law enforcement officials who attempt to enforce them.

From a very early age, we are taught to obey rules and be fair with one another.

Despite other realms in life that are supposed to be fair, life itself, is not.  This is difficult for many to accept particularly those who are inflicted with illness or physical disabilities that keep them from living a normal life.

I believe that to spend time bemoaning the unfairness of life is counterproductive and a waste of time.  Rather, I believe we need to accept that life is not fair and develop a mindset around that reality.

For example, many people are born with dyslexia.  The disease impacts one's ability to read and learn.  It can cause personal frustration and social ostracism.  However, there is a long of list of individuals who overcame this disability and lived beyond a normal life.  The list includes: Winston Churchill; Robert F. Kennedy; Richard Branson; and, Charles Schwab.

It would have been easy for these individuals to lament the unfairness of their disease.  Yet, they overcame and contributed to society despite unfair treatment at the hands of dyslexia.

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