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Industrial Age Work Habits

We are all inundated with literature talking about the Information Age in which we now live.  The proliferation of data is mind boggling.  The terminologies are mind numbing.

Yet, I find myself befuddled with human behavior, including my own, particularly in the workplace.  We have modern servers that can house terabytes of data and front-end user interfaces to facilitate the capture of electronic notes.  Yet, I still see the ubiquitous 3M sticky notes everywhere, including on my desk.

We have on-line banking yet some folks still deposit their checks on pay day.

We can file our taxes electronically, yet, some of us (including me) still file via the US Mail.

We still employ Industrial Age work habits in this Information Age.  I see this as analagous to me using the old manual lawn mower to cut my grass instead of a Briggs-Stratton gas powered riding mower or a swing blade to trim instead of a gas powered or electric weed eater. 

Later blogs to cover the "Digital Divide" and "Industrial Age Management" in this Information Age.

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