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A House of Cards

First, there was the tax rebate designed to stimulate the economy.  Then, there was TARP designed to keep the financial industry from collapsing.    A few months later, there was was another massive stimulus package.  I won't quote the numbers because they are mind boggling. 

Tax receipts are falling and unemployment benefits are getting extended as the economy continues to drag along.  Hence, the deficit continues to widen.  Interest on our debt far exceeds the annual GDP of many  foreign nations.  We continue to sell our debt to the Chinese and Arabs.  I just shudder when politicians talk about taxpayer money.  Sadly, we have blown through that taxpayer revenue and are relying upon foreign credit to perpetuate our financial house of cards. 

Now, though, we have health care reform being trumpeted to reduce the deficit.  Wish I could take that promise to the bank.  Somehow, I do not feel as sanguine. 

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