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Life's Fallacies - Part 1 - Playing by The Same Rules

In reflecting upon my life, how I have chosen to interact with others, and my approach to life's issues, I have discovered many things over the years.  Perhaps you can empathize with some of these discoveries.  Others may be just the random and odd musings of this blogger.  I would like to begin a series on aome of these discoveries. 

One of these fallacies include my inclination to believe that others are playing by the same rules.  For example, to the extent possible, I try to let waiting cars in when  traffic is backed-up.  My rationale is that I am doing that waiting person a favor and feeling better about myself.  Often times, however, I find that such gestures are not reciprocated by others when I am the driver of a waiting car.  It is not that I am being unreasonable or the other drivers are insensitive, they are not playing by the same rules of driving etiquette and everyday kindness. 

Another example is my belief that, in most instances, it is far better to be forgiving and empathetic rather than being highly critical and judgmental.  This is fine so long as the other person operates by the same rules for themselves.  Guess what?  The don't always.

Finally and much to my chagrin, I fall into the trap often of believing that we all have the greater good in mind, not necessarily what's best for us.  In reality, the greater good is often, but fortunately not always, sacrificed at the altar of succcess and financial gain.   

Next blog:  assuming that others in your organization have the same goals and motives. 

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