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A Daughter's Love and Devotion

For almost 4 years now, I have witnessed how my wife honors her mother daily.  Prior to and since her father's death, my wife has been a devoted daughter to her mother. 

She takes care of all her mother's financial matters: bills; taxes; investments; and, property.   She consults the hospice officials regarding her mother's health and treatments.  She keeps her mother's prescriptions organized and up to date as well as other supplies.  During this time, she has become well-versed in medications I have never heard of and knows how to administer them.  She maintains detailed and meticulous daily charts on her mother's medications, meals, and other statistics.  While her mother was in assisted living, Lynn had to fight her mother's battles over care issues.  

She oversaw the addition to our home and kept the builder in line and on time. 

I have witnessed how her own health has been impacted in this caregiver role.  Her sleep is sporadic.  She has aches and pains from lifting and pulling on her mother.   Coupled with her job, she has much stress in her life and no time for herself. 

Yet, she runs her mother's affairs and household with the skill of a trained military quartermaster.  I affectionately refer to her as "the General". 

In short, she has put her life on hold for the sake of her mother.  What devotion!  She is an inspiration to me and others.  I am very proud to have a wife who is so devoted to her mother and honors her daily.  While I have witnessed some many elderly parents relegated to assisted living arrangements with very little visits from children, I am so very mindful as to the burden and labor of love my wife has taken on her shoulders.   It truly is a rarity in this day and age. 

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