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Conspiracy Theories

Many Americans seem to like a good conspiracy.  I suspect it raises one's CPQ (cocktail party quotient).  Of course, there are countless conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  In some tragic events, like the Titanic's sinking, there always seems to be conspiracy theorist lurking.

I am particularly amused as to how conspiracy afficianados like to delve into those who allegedly faked their deaths such as: Elvis; John Wilkes Booth; and, Jesse James.

Even science draws its share of naysayers like those who believe that Neil Armstrong's moon landing was staged and never occurred.  Yet, these folks spend countless hours searching for evidence and eye witnesses accounts will miss the most obvious non-truths or accept them as truth.  For example, here is some background on a very famous portrait depicting an event that never took place.  Click here for details.

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