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Life's Fallacies - Part 5 - Not Everyone is Self-Aware

I have seen it so many times, yet it still baffles me.  A colleague will come into my office, shut the door, and start railing against another colleague's work ethic, attitude, or overall behavior.

As I sit there and try to listen attentively, I find myself thinking that the same person who is criticizing their colleagues engages in similar behavior themselves and has the same shortcomings.  Thinking that this person will admit that they, too, do the same thing, I find myself often kicking myself afterwards for not saying the obvious.  My shortcoming in these interactions is that thinking that everyone is self-aware of their actions, words, and gestures and their impact on others. 

Over the years, my father was one who would quickly point out the same failings in me that I found in others.  Thus, I have tried over the years to be better in tune with my words, actions, and attiudes and their impact on others.  Sometimes, I fall short and allow my moods to get the better of me.   

My new mindset needs to be that everyone is not self-aware and it is our responsbility to point this out to them.  Most reasonable people, once confronted with this, may ponder and reach the same conclusion.  Those who don't will get defensive, belligerent, and even vindictive at worse; at best, they will quit coming into your office, shutting the door, and railing against others.

Seriously, if we do not challenge this, those who lack self-awareness will continue to drift through life wreaking havoc and leaving damaged relationships in their wake.   

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