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"The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy" by Judge Posener

Bloomberg's Tom Keene interviewed this wonderfully insightful judge and discussed his new book "The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy".

I was most taken by the Judge's views that the current health care reform debate and process clearly shows that our current democratic process in out of touch, in disarray, and prone to pass harmful legislation. 

Many congressional democrats will vote their party line despite opposition from their constituents and knowing that they will consequently lose in the November elections.

Judge Posener concluded the interview sharing his concerns over our current fiscal state and likening it to that of a Third World Nation. 

I have decided that in November, I plan to vote against all incumbents regardless of party affiilation.  Can you imagine the message that the American people will send if every incumbent was voted out of office?  Our founding fathers gave us this right and power.  Let's exercise it and encourage our friends and colleagues to do likewise.  The incumbents are running our country into the ground.  Let's vote out all incumbents, send them packing, and start over. 

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