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The Power of the Ballot Box

It is easy to take for granted.  Sadly, most Americans do not vote.  Yesterday's election  results in the "progressive" (euphemism for liberal) state of Massachusetts demonstrates that voting does matter.   In the Senate, because of its unique rules, one vote can make a huge difference.  It was the vote of a Nebraska senator, bought off by major financial considerations for his state, that tipped the scale to pass a health care bill in the Senate.  Ironic how the Senate seat once occupied by an icon for health care reform will soon be held by someone who can prevent the unpopular measure from becoming law.  Life and politics are full of irony. 

But, once again the American voter has spoken.  He/she must speak often, carry the proverbial big stick, and hold our political leaders accountable.  Otherwise, left unchecked and to their devices, they will perpetuate the free fall our country has been in. 

We, the voters, can effect term limits and vote out lifelong politicians.  Let us encourage one another to show Washington that we still recognize and have at our disposal the power of  the ballot box.  Let's continue to remind our political leaders that they cannot ignore us and to do so will be to their detriment.  Good job, Massachusetts, the state of champions (Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics --- sorry, had to throw that in).

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