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New Year - a time for reflection and resoutions

First of all, Happy New Year! May 2010 be a healthy, blessed, and prosperous year for us all.

When I return to the gym on Monday, I suspect that as in previous years there will be new faces of those who have resolved to get in shape. Two years ago when I made that commitment to workout 3x per week, I got discouraged as I could never get to a machine either after work or during lunch time. I remember a young man in the gym encouraging me by saying something to the effect that by February, things would return to normal. He was right and I have seen this happen almost as an annual rite of passage.

Though I enjoy the less crowded gym, I hope that the new attendees do not get discouraged and resolve to stick with their New Year's resolution. It is one thing to resolve to do something, yet quite another thing to follow through.

May we all follow through on our resolutions for 2010.

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