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America's Affinity for the Underdog

Perhaps it was due to our nation's attaining independence by vanquishing the great British army against all odds.  The historian David McCullough in his novel "1776" describes America's winning indpendence from Great Britian as nothing short of a miracle.  Mr. McCullough argues that the 1776 travails embodied so poignantly at Valley Forge, not the post 9/11 days, was America's darkest hour.

Likewise in sports, Americans like the underdog.  To name a few:

1.  the 1969 New York Jets upset over the highly favored Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III

2.  the 1969 New York "Miracle" Met shocking the Baltimore Orioles in the World Series

3.  the 1982 NCAA Championship NC State beating a highly favored Houston Courgars (Phi Slamma Jamma)

4.  the 1980 US Olympic hockey team's "Miracle on Ice" victory over the USSR

Historically, Americans have pulled for the underdog, those who prevail against great odds.   We are so blessed in our land that I pray we never forget the underdogs everywhere and root for them as many rooted for us during those dark days of 1776.

Is there an underdog in your midst who could use encouragement?  If so, encourage them so that they, too, can one day inspire another facing obstacles and great odds.  For we all are or have been underdogs at one point in our life.  It is in our nation's DNA. 

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