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Late Night Drama

Like the weatherman, my predictions are either hit or miss.  For example, I remember telling Lynn that "Batteries Plus" would never make it as a retail establishment.  That was 12 years ago and they are still around.

Right after Conan O'Brien was named to take Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" spot, I told Lynn that he would be out of there in six months as the ratings would fall.  Well, he lasted 7 months. 

Seriously, what really troubled me about all this is the lack of class demonstrated by both O'Brien and NBC.  Their feud was played out in public.  Both parties did not come across well.  By the way, O'Brien dissed NBC pubicly and walked away with a $32M severance package -- nice message to our children.

Despite lousy ratings and his established lack of class, some network will probably pick-up O'Brien and pay him a hefty sum to host a show.  My question is why?   Why reward bad behavior and lousy ratings?  Take a stand any network that is considering O'Brien.  If he dissed in NBC in public, what will happen when things sour between O'Brien and your network.

Society as a whole must stop honoring bad behavior. 

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