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The Greater Good over Self

Over the years, I have witnessed many interesting behaviors in the workplace.  More often, I observe how the actions of others are typically driven by self-serving, career-enhancing motives.  Sadly, I have not witnessed too many individuals who have displayed Edmund G. Ross-like behavior -- placing the greater good of the team, organization, or project over oneself. 

This week, I exhorted my colleagues, via e-mail, to consider the following at the conclusion of each day:

1. what value did I add today to my team and how does that value translate into value for the firm?

2. what value did I add for myself, my skill set, and knowledge base today which, in turn, benefits the firm?

3. did my efforts/actions today positively impact more than just myself?

Pursuits of self-serving interests does, at times, benefit the masses.  The challenge for us, however, is to consider the greater good always.  I am fortunate today to have colleagues who remind me regularly of this.

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