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Hollywood's assault on fathers

Over the years, there have been several TV shows that depicted fathers or men functioning as fathers as strong, moral, and supportive individuals.  My favorities included:

Fred McMurray in "My Three Sons"
Robert Young in "Father Knows Best"
Brian Keith in "Family Affair"
Dan Lauria in "The Wonder Years"

One could argue that these fatherly images were idyllic and somewhat unrealistic.  However, at least these portrayals provided role models for men to emulate. 

Gradually, though, Hollywood has painted fathers as bumbling and irresponsible individuals who are not qualified to lead a family.  "Married with Children" comes quickly to mind.

There are many socioeconomic reasons for the decline in our society.  I believe that the absence of fathers in single parent homes and abdication by many men of their fatherly roles have contributed greatly to the ills of today's society.

In the 90's, Judge Robert Bork wrote "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline".  When interviewed by Larry King and asked if there were any signs of hope, Judge Bork cited the "The PromiseKeepers" movement as one source of revival and American men re-embracing their societal responsibilities. 

I know personally several men who are outstanding fathers.  I encourage them to continue being strong leaders in their families and roles models for other men.

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