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Individual Hubris a/k/a pride or arrogance

Very few people I know like this quality in individuals.  While self-confidence and expertise is valued by our society, sometimes such qualities transcend into arrogance or pride. 

Success can be intoxicating and self-deluding.  Once it is achieved, the drive and hunger that pushed an indivdual to that level is often lost.  Sadly, many successful people forget their roots and those who helped them along the way.  Further, many are seduced by the acroutements of success and lose sight of what made them successful.  Hence, they fall and often hard and fast.

The Scriptures address pride often.  See Proverbs 11: 2 which reads: "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

So, like companies described in the "How the Mighty Fall", we as individuals can fall, too, as a result of "Hubris borne of success".  I pray that I, with the help of others, can keep my pride in check always.

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