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My friend, Mr. Bell

I first met Mr. Bell in 2003 when he came to my office to replace overhead light fixtures.  I liked him instantly.  He is a genuine man who has a humble yet reassuring spirit.  When he greets me around 10am each day, Mr. Bell always says "My friend, Mr. Hayes" to which I respond sincerely "My friend, Mr. Bell".  We both have an affinity for baseball and often reminisce of its glory days prior to steroids, free agency, charging the mound, pitchers pumping their fists, hitters watching their home runs into the stands before running, etc.  We love to exchange anecdotes about famous players. 

Mr. Bell retired from teaching public school.  He taught government in Richmond City Schools and coached athletics.  Mr. Bell has taught the current Richmond Commonwealth Attorney, Mike Herring, and a few Hunton & Williams lawyers. 

Though educated with advanced degrees, Mr. Bell humbly does his work and can be seen wishing others well and imparting wisdom on them.   Mr. Bell recently told me that he wants to retun to teaching and is awaiting an adjunct teaching postion at Virginia State.  He feels that the Lord has blessed him with good health so that he can return to his passion of teaching others.

In parting, his words to me are just as encouraging as his greeting:  "Always good to see you, Mr. Hayes and God bless you!"   Mr. Bell plans to retire after this year.  It will be a sad day, indeed, for me when I no longer encounter my friend, Mr. Bell, around 10am each morning as he makes his rounds.

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