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Eventful 1968

1968 was an eventful and historical year.  As a ten-year old, it was quite memorable on many fronts.  Key events that I remember include the following (not necessarily in chronological order):

1.  Tet offensive as most major US military installations in South Viet Nam were attacked
2.  Seizure of the USS Pueblo off the coast of North Korea
3.  Loss the USS Scorpion submarine at sea
4.  President Johnson announcing that he would not run for another term
5.  Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis, TN (whose holiday we celebrate today)
6.  Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in Los Angeles, CA
7.  Beginning of Paris Peace Talks on Viet Nam
8.  Detroit Tigers come back from 3-1 game deficit to beat the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series
9.  Denny McClain winning 31 games
10.  New York Jets lose to the Oakland Raiders in the infamous "Heidi Bowl" game
11.  "Doris Day Show" and "Julia" starring Diahann Carroll air
12.  "Prague Spring" ends with the Soviet Union invading Czechoslavakia
13.  Apollo 8 circles the Moon on Christmas Eve and the astronauts read from the Book of Genesis
14.  Olympic track medalists John Carlos and Tommie Smith bow their heads and raise clenched black fists in protest during the playing of the National Anthem
15.  Richard M. Nixon elected next U.S. President beating Vice President Hubert Horatio Humphery in a very close election (my brother and I actually met and shook hands with the Vice President)
16.  Jacqueline Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis
I am sure that there are many more significant events that occurred during 1968.  These events left a lasting impression on me as to the suddeness with which the world and history can change and how in 42 years since '68 our nation has both changed and progressed.

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