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Whither Interoffice mail envelopes?

For years, these envelopes have been as ubiquitous as file folders and paper clips.

I remember the days of returning from vacation only to see my in-box stacked full of such interoffice mail.  Now, that in-box has been replaced with an overflowing e-mail in-box.

This morning I had to fill out and submit a reimbursement request funds from my individual health care spending account.  I abhor this manual, labor intensive process that consists of multiple and inefficient steps.  Having gone through these laborious steps and in order to send this to HR, I had to locate an interoffce envelope in my drawers: none found.  I went to my colleagues' desk in search of that all important delivery tool.  I would have been better off to walk the request down myself. 

After 5 minutes of searching, I was able to locate one, fill it out, and place it in my out-box.   Once it gets picked up, the request goes into a black hole.  I do know whether the recipient received it and when he/she has processed it. 

All in all, a simple request process took over 10 minutes to complete.   My frustration was only exacerbated by being unable to locate this all important envelope.  Talk about a process that cries out for automation!

Finally, will there be a demand for these envelopes in the future?  I suspect some. 

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