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Spring is getting near

Just the other week, we noticed that around 6pm, there was still daylight.  In the mornings, we have begun to see daylight around 6:30am.  Though the length of daylight started increasing gradually since December 21st, it seems to have appeared out of the blue one day.

Now that we have passed the long, dark, and cold month of January, this increased daylight raises one's awareness that spring cannot be far away.

I say that only to look out the back window and see snow still covering the ground from our last storm.   Hopefully, we have seen the last of winter storms for this year.

Nevertheless, I am looking forward to getting out in the yard and tending to my outdoor chores.  I am looking forward to seeing the bulbs, which I planted last fall, begin sprouting green shoots.  And, I am looking forward to going to work and returning home in the daylight.

Finally, Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner, too.

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