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A Father's Wisdom

My father imparted many life lessons on me.  Regrettably, I did not learn and apply most of them consistently throughout my life. 

Recently, I was reminded , though, of one of those nuggets:  always leave for your appointment in sufficient time to arrive early.  This will enable one to address any unexpected issues.  A Drill Seargent at Ft. Jackson's caveat was always "Be here on time.  Don't be coming.  Else...."

Yesterday, I had to conduct a demo in a conference room.  When setting up my laptop for the demo, it froze up.  I had to reboot and reset everything.  Thanks to arriving 10 minutes early, I was ready for the demo 2 minutes before the attendees arrived.  Otherwise, I would have kept them waiting and consumed their valuable time.  Thanks dad for this advice. 

Fathers: impart such life lessons on your children.  Who knows they just may apply them from time to time and make you proud!

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