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"Hope springs eternal in the human breast"

The phrase of "Hope Springs Eternal.." originates from a line in Alexander Pope's poem, An Essay on Man, written in 1733.

Here in Goochland, we had a dusting of snow last night/this morning.  Snow is still blanketing the ground from two previous storms.  More snow is in the forecast for Monday.

Yet, in seeing this countdown clock, below, in today's Boston Globe, I feel a little reinvigorated that baseball is just around the corner. 

Though my obsession with my Red Sox has diminished in recent years thanks to World Series Championships in 2004 and 2007, the same sentiments of hope and excitement still arise when talk turns to Spring Training. 

Perhaps Red Sox baseball, first made known to me in the Summer of '67,  is still that avocation for me; an avocation from the daily grind of office politics, the follies of human behavior (including mine), and the frustrations of life. 

Before too long, "Play Ball" will be heard in the airspace of Florida and elsewhere.  Yes, hope does spring eternal.

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