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Remembering Harry Chapin - a humane person and great story teller

His songs "Taxi", "Cat's in the Cradle", and others always contained a thought-provoking story.  I will always remember the final lyrics of both songs:

"Taxi" -- "she was going to be actress and I was going to learn to fly.  And now, she's acting happy inside her handsome home.  And, me I am flying in my taxi, taking tips, and getting stoned.  I go flying so high when I'm stoned."

"Cat's in the Cradle"
I’ve long since retired, my son's moved away

I called him up just the other day........

I said "I'd like to see you if you don’t mind"

He said "I'd love to Dad, if I could find the time.

You see my new jobs a hassle, and the kids have the flu.

But It's sure nice talking to you, Dad,

It's been sure nice talking to you........"

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me

He'd grown up just like me,

My boy was just like me..............

In addition to being a talented singer, writer, and musician, he was philantropic.

He wanted to do something for the poor and hungry.  He could not accept the fact that Americans went to sleep hungry.   He lived by his quote:
“Our lives are to be used and thus to be lived as fully as possible, and truly it seems that we are never so alive as when we concern ourselves with other people.”

I do not keep up with music as I once did.  I wonder if there is or ever will be another Harry  Chapin on the music scene.

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