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Stepping Out of One's Comfort Zone

Typically, I prefer to stay in my office and behind closed doors when I really need to focus on an assignment or deadline.  I recognize, however, that I must not be a silo and that I need to interact regularly with my colleagues.  Such interactions often encourage, inspire, and lift me out of the doldrums brought on by stress and pressing deadlines.   

I prefer not to travel on business.  I am blessed to have a job that does not require much travel.  Like most of the things I avoid in life, I realize that it is a comfort zone thing. 

This past week's visit to NYC revealed several things to me, blogged about previously, and enabled me to experience some new things.

The conference enabled me to interact with colleagues in the legal industry who are some of the sharpest minds and proactive leaders I have ever met.  It amazes me how much we all learn and takeaway from each conference.  There was a tense moment involving admitting a new member.  Two of the strongest personalities in the group were at odds over admission.  I Google'd the candidate's law firm to discover that his firm has over 1,800 lawyers in 32 offices world-wide.  I pointed this out and the dissenting individual was surprised, softened his stance, and agreed to revisit membership in 6-9 months after the individual, who just started his new position, got grounded.  The candidate's advocate appreciated someone providing objective input and citing the facts, not just opinion.  We all averted a potentially divisive moment and I did not alienate any of the my colleagues.  Rather, I now feel closer to both colleagues.

We went to a nice Italian restaurant, Becco on W. 45th Street, which I recommend to anyone planning a trip to NY in the near future.  Having walked the streets over those few days, I now have a better idea as to where places are in NYC.

I experienced all of this as a result from leaving my comfort zone for a few days. 

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