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A loss for words....

I recognized him immediately upon entering the elevator. He had joined the firm shortly after finishing his term as governor. He stood at the back of the elevator talking to another person. I recall him citing his "conservative fiscal nature" when addressing the other individual's comments. They both laughed. He was shorter and of a smaller frame that I had imagined. After all, he had served in the US Marine Corps and seemed tall on TV. After the other individual got off, he stood at the back in silence. I really did not know what to say to a former governor. How would I address him? After all, he was being touted a potential Presidential candidate.

As he got off the elevator to leave, he turned around, smiled, and said "good to see you". I felt completely at a loss for words for I did not expect that last-minute gesture.

I remember thinking to myself: will this guy actually be our President one day? Well, we all know now that Governor Chuck Robb never made it to the White House though he did serve in the US Senate.

Tomorrow - remembering a small man in size but a towering judge.

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