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Amusing Human Behavior

I do these same things myself. So, I find it quite amusing when I observe and/or hear others doing the same. While in NYC, I observed and broached with colleagues two such behaviors.

First, whether it is in a buffet-type restaurant or there are serve-yourself lunch options, I find it amusing how others, upon your returning to the table, will peruse what you have on your plate and even comment on its appearance, possible health implications, and their thoughts on the food -- all unsolicited comments. At times, I find myself wishing that I had a room service type cover for my dish to avoid the perusal and critique.

Second, often times conversations turn to movies. Guys seem to enjoy recounting their favorite scenes from movies. I find it quite interesting how someone will ask me if I have ever seen a particular movie. When I say "no", the individual will look surprised and ask again with emphasis "you have NEVER seen ______ (movie)? " I know that their reaction is based upon their surprise. At such times, however, I find myself wishing to say: "like I said the first time, no".

Watch for these behaviors. You will find them amusing at times, annoying at others.

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