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A Much Different World

Upon arriving in NYC's Penn Station around rush hour yesterday, I was immediately reminded of how different this city is to what I'm used to.  There were throngs of people, speaking different languages, hailing from many diverse parts of the world.  There business people, tourists, artists, students, and a few panhandlers near Madison Square Garden.

Hailing a cab was pretty an exercise in futility as everyone was trying to get one.  I have never seen so many yellow cabs at one time.

Walking up 6th Avenue to the hotel was an experience, watching pedrestrians either jaywalk or cross when they were not supposed to only to get the irate horn and waving of arms from frustrated taxi driver.  That was amusing to watch as it occurred repeatedly.  The UPS drivers in the "Big Brown" trucks, which seem larger in NYC than the ones back in Richmond, are the most aggressive in working through traffic. 

In meeting some colleagues for dinner, I was most surprised to find a waiter, in the middle of NYC, who was actually pulling for the Red Sox as they played the Yankees last night.  BTW, Yankees 3 Red Sox 1. 

More tomorrow from NYC.

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