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Shopping and Out About Today

It never ceases to amaze me as to the unique items that Dollar Tree stocks and sells, all for one dollar a piece.  Recently, we purchased some battery-powered closet lights and miniature iPod speaker systems - great for Christmas stocking suffers.  Today, I went back to buy more iPod speakers only to find that they were all gone.  Another lesson when shopping at Dollar Tree: when you see it, buy it and in quantities.

For those who have shopped at Short Pump Town Centre, you may have discovered the confusing traffic pattern going in and out.  It is a wonder that there aren't more accidents there.  I find myself circumnavigating the whole confusion by driving completely around the back of the shopping area and merging into a traffic light. 

Today, I went by the old Ukrops @ Short Pump.  Two workers were putting the finishing touches on the "Martin's" sign.  It was good, however, to see the "Ukrops Cafe" and "Ukrops Bakery" signs flanking the new "Martin's" sign.  It marked the end of an era.  It will be odd to see that store open on Sundays beginning next week.

Many folks were out today at Lowe's stocking up on landscaping supplies.  That is a good sign and perhaps an indication that the economy is improving.

Finally, went by a friend's open house today.  Interesting to see the neat things that others do to landscape and decorate their homes.  Hmm, we may have to take this up as a weekend hobby.

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