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Unapplied Knowledge

"Unapplied knowledge is no knowledge at all" -- Stephen R. Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Individuals" and "The 8th Habit".

Do you possess knowledge about some application, process, or situation and do not use it?

This mismatch between possessing knowledge and applying it to useful pursuits, is often seen as a waste. Knowledge and accomplishments - combined properly, results in great achievements , both for individuals and organizations. This imbalance can result in missed opportunities, vacuums and, in some cases, disaster.

Knowledge is similar to other things in our lives, if we don't use it we lose it. It seems we must strike a balance between the acquisition of knowledge and putting into action that which we have learned.

This is why Dr. Covey often exhorts those who attend his seminars and read his books to share the knowledge learned with someone within 24 hours and begin applying that knowledge immediately to our lives.

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