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Memories from Memorial Days Past - the Parade

In Hopewell, the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) sponsored, planned, and coordinated the annual Memorial Day Parade.  As a kid, parades were exciting and fun to watch: dignitaries; floats; and, marching bands.

For a few years, my father served on the parade's planning committee.  I vaguely remember the committee meeting in our home as they went down the list of bands that were either in or out.  The Ft. Lee marching band was usually available as was the Hopewell High School band and some from local high shools. 

A few times, I went down to the City Point area where the bands and floats gathered and organized into a queue.  I do not recall how they did it, I just remember how chaotic things seemed at times.   It was a good kind of chaos and it was exciting to see the bands and floats get into position. 

The parade was typically led by a Hopewell police vehicle.  Then, came the mayor and other dignitaries.  Aftewards, the bands and other organizations followed.  I do not recall any specific celebrities or grand masters in rode in the parade.  They may have been there and I did not notice them. 

I do not know whether Hopewell still has the parade or, if it does, who sponsors it.  It was a nice tradition.  Forty some years later, I can still hear the brass instruments and pounding drums.   

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