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"The Times They Are a-Changing" by Bob Dylan

If one reflects upon the changes that the internet and technology has fostered on our society, it is truly remarkable: decline of the newspaper and magazine industry; reduced usage of first class mail; the reduction in use of land phone lines; musical CDs replaced by music downloads; e-commerce; smart phones; iPods; Amazon's Kindle; Hallmark e-cards; on-line banking; etc. Some believe that on-line shopping will dramatically impact the shopping malls as we know them.

US industry giants such as GM and IBM have been truly humbled. In Richmond, Circuit City has fallen, S&K is practically gone. Ukrops has been sold.

The pace of change is just as dramatic. Take Dell computers which ascended meteorically as the top PC maker status only to drop back behind HP a few years later.

Many lament and fear the change. That is understandable. But, inside change there is such opportunity. I see a tremendous opportunity for entrepreneurs once the electric car displaces cars powered by fossil fuels. Can you imagine a rest stop along the interstate to charge your electric car battery, recharge your mobile devices, and sit in a WiFi cafe to enjoy a cup of coffee or a bit to eat? Think of the possibilities!

And, think of how we can impact our environment by finally ridding ourselves of carbon emitting vehicles.

2009 was a very difficult year. But, the American innovative spirit and opportunity for entrepeneurs will enable us to develop that new technology to usher in a new era of growth and prosperity. We, as individuals, just need to have the right mindset and prepare ourselves to embrace those changes instead of resisting them.

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