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Complacency & Fear of Change

Holidays are a time of reflection for us. This past year, I realized that I often times accepted the same bad behaviors of people, tolerated the same organizations and its failings, and did nothing to change things out of complacency or fear of change. This fear can serve to immobilize us so that we do nothing except complain or vow to make changes, yet knowing deep down that change was not imminent. There were many changes this past year for me personally. I know that I have grown from these changes and the experiences. The lessons from 2009 to apply in 2010: (1) don't let fear of change restrain you (2) address bad behavior of others (3) if you are unhappy about a situation, do something -- don't just sit back and complain and (4) look upon fear and complacency as restraining forces keeping us from growing.

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