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"Sunday Will Never Be the Same"

Spanky (McFarland) & the Gang recorded this song in the late 60's. It became an advertising jingle for a major automaker as well ("Driving will never be the same").

I recall growing up in an era of Sunday blue laws restricting retail activity on Sundays. I further recall driving home after Sunday Mass and feeling the peace and quietude of a Sunday morning when all businesses were closed. Families then went home for Sunday brunch. It may have been my imagination, but it felt as if not going to a Sunday worship service was the exception, not the norm.

Though I certainly have done my share of Sunday shopping over the years, I often reflect upon how I miss the quietude of Sundays when retailers were closed, families spent more time together, and we reflected upon Sundays as a day of rest and worship.

Truly and sadly, Sundays will never be the same.

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