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"Maybe I'll Pitch Forever...." by Satchell Paige

Caught some of this tonight. Just like the first time I viewed it back in 1993, the series, narrated by the late John Chancellor, just pulls you in. Tonight was the "5th Inning: Shadow Ball".  Great to see the video clips of  Satchell Paige and Josh Gibson "the Black Babe Ruth" as he was called.

Once read Paige's biography "Maybe I'll Pitch Forever". According to his estimates, Paige pitched in over 2,500 games and won 2,000, pitched "hundreds" of no-hitters. I suspect a bit of embellishment there.  His friend, Buck O'Neill, often stated that Satchell threw of 100 mph despite not having radar guns in those days.   Nevertheless, he was great for the Negro Leagues.

The final line of this biography read:  "Maybe I'll pitcher forever. Some folks say I already have."  Satchell was a lot of things, including very deep and philosophical. 

I have often thought about one day researching and writing a book on these great playeers of the Negro Leagues and entitle it something like "Destiny Denied" or "Playing in Shadows".  Might make for an interesting read.  Would certainly be fun to research. 

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