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The basic human need to be helpful...

We humans have this innate need to help one another.  We are wired that way.  When we hear of adversity or tragedy that has impacted another, our immediate reaction and desire is to help in some way.  This particularly becomes evident when friends and colleague deliver meals to those who are ill or have lost a family member.  At times like this, we just feel so helpless and overwhelmed with the need to do something. 

The other day, I heard of a longtime friend's job loss.  My heart immediately went out to him and I began thinking of people I knew who could use someone with his background, skills, and work experience.

Recently, I was purchasing gas at Parrish Grocery Store in Goochland.  I aspied a woman and man talking at the front entrance.  The woman was asking for directions to a place with which I was familiar in the Goochland Courthouse area.  The man sensed that the woman was not very unsure of herself.  Thus, he went into great details as to landmarks and repeated the directions numerous times.  Finally, the woman appeared to have understood, thanked the man, and left.  Upon leaving the store, I saw man walking back to his truck with a happy gait and whistling. 

Not only do we have this need to help people, it makes us feel good about doing so.

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