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A time for boldness

"The world's largest borrower cannot be the world's greatest power indefinitely" -- Dr. Larry Somers, current Chairman of President Obama's Economic Council.

For over 30 years now, I have heard of our country's national debt and unfunded Social Security obligations referred to as "a ticking time bomb".  The bookstores have been littered with the "doom and gloom" and "economic Armageddon" books.  Eventually, the time bomb is going to detonate unless bold action is taken.

In the 1980 book "A Time for Action" former Treasury Secretary William Simon outlined bold and drastic steps to bring our fiscal house in order.  Some of those measures have been implemented.  Many have not.

Our dysfunctional Congress continues to thumb its collective nose at the very electorate that voted its members into office.

Want to take a bold step and send an ear-shattering message to Washington?  Vote AGAINST EVERY incumbent this November, including those affiliated with your political party of preference.  I plan to do so, even against Rep. Eric Cantor.  They need to hear from us.  

Be bold and encourage your friends to be bold.  It is time to send Congress a message that we the people want to avert a financial calamity.  It can start with voting in responsible representatives who will do the right thing; not what their lobbyists, political supporters, and biggest donators want.  

We have just enough time -- if we start right now.

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