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The government we deserve

Less than 50% of Americans vote.  That statistic is startling given the enormous privilege it is to vote.  Plus, we have a civic responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable.  Sadly, myself included, we have not held up our end of the bargain.  We have let our government do as it pleases.  It passes legislation, like health care reform, that most Americans are against.  It borrows money from foreign nations to fund programs we can no longer afford.

We have the government we deserve because we have abdicated our responsibility to hold elected officials accountable.  The late Dr. Milton Friedman once said that we need no more than to look in the mirror to affix blame.   I do not believe that the framers of our government envisioned career politicians serving sometimes up to 40 years in Congress.  This should not be and we have the power to make a change.

We have an opportunity in a few weeks to send a warning shot across the bow of Congressional hubris.  Let's all use that power individually and collectively lest we let the current group in Congress to continue pushing us toward the precipice.  Let's not continue giving these out of touch officials a free pass.

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