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The continuing use of "gate"

Watergate was a gut-wrenching experience for our country.  The event, the folks involved, and the aftermath has been well chronicled over the years.  Since Watergate, however, our media cannot seem to avoid attaching the word "gate" to anything that resembles a scandal, cover-up, etc.  We had Iran-Contragate in the 80's during the Reagan administration.  We had "Whitewater-gate" and "Monica-gate" in the 90's involving President Clinton.  Recently, we had Apple's Iphone4-gate which does not even rise to the level of anything historically having "gate" attached to it.  Apple CEO Steve Jobs chided the media for blowing this out of proportion.

I beseech our press to come up something a little more original than attaching "gate" the next inevitable scandal. 

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